Saturday, May 15, 2010

two percent possibility

I've never done this before. The whole "blog" thing, I mean. So we'll see how this goes, shall we?

This blog isn't about my feelings, or my personal life, or anything of that nature. If I tried to write a blog like that, I imagine it would go something like the diaries I tried to write as a kid:
"Dear Diary, today I went to school, did my homework, watched TV, and went to bed." It's not exactly Dear America worthy.

Instead, I got the urge to start a blog chronicling my (mis)adventures in novel writing and (hopefully?) publishing. I don't want to forget anything about this process, and I figure there may be the occasional useful tidbit about this sort of thing that other hopeful authors can use and identify with. Not that I'm expecting a fan base for this blog...but I've looked up my fair share of other writers' websites and blogs to get some tips...not that I'm comparing myself to Holly Black or Diana Wynne Jones or Tamora Pierce by any stretch of anyone's imagination...and I'm going to stop now, while I'm not quite as far behind as I could be.

Not only that, but I'm hoping that this might be another way for me to get the creative juices pipes in my brain unclogged when writer's block rears its ugly head. As if by speculating about characters or plots or the "subtle nuances of River Nymph Poker" to a bevy of uninvolved individuals, everything will suddenly make sense in the world. Right. But, who might at least make for some fun reading?

Oh, and as for the name? I read on one of the aforementioned author's pages that in one poll 80% of Americans said that thought they would write a book at some point in their life, but only 2% of Americans will ever actually finish a novel. So here's hoping that I'm in that 2%.

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