Tuesday, June 15, 2010

master plan, my butt

Ha, did I really think I was going to finish this by June 30th?

Summer is a double-edged sword, my friends. On the one hand: FREE TIME. Full DAYS of NOTHING...nothing except writing, I tell myself in the morning. I can wake up at 11 and sit in bed working on the story, only stopping to pee and eat junk food. I can stay up until 3 working on the story, because I can sleep until 11. There is no school eating up eight valuable hours of my life every weekday.

On the other hand: NO FREE TIME. Because summer = vacations. Lots of 'em. I've been home for three of the past nine days or so, and I've spent over 24 hours driving. Besides all of the issues I have with that butt-wise, it's also really unhelpful for writing.
Though I did just get a new Gateway computer that is NOT a netbook because it has a full keyboard (HUZZAH!) but is still a dinky little 6-hour-battery (supposedly) machine. Hopefully I can bring it in the car and get at least a bit of writing in, buuuut...

All of this vacationing is pretty distracting. Which means each time I wake up at 11 and sit down to write Thistleswitch, I can't focus on the story. So if I try to write it, I end up spewing a bunch of really awful word barf all over the page, which I just have to delete. Which means I haven't even been trying to write for the past two weeks. Which is, for obvious reasons, not part of The Almighty Master Plan.

Since I'm leaving at 7:00 A.M. for another eight hour car drive tomorrow morning, I can hopefully write some tonight. And some in the car tomorrow. Maybe. Possibly.

Inspiration, I'm ready when you are.

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