Thursday, June 24, 2010

laughing gas

Today I got my wisdom teeth out. All four of them. They were all impacted, which is some fancy dentist way to say that they were growing sideways in my mouth, and had to be removed through invasive surgery that involved giving me laughing gas, knocking me out with anesthesia, and then going to town with novocaine in my mouth. Now my cheeks are swollen and kind of resemble a droopy chipmunk, I'm only allowed to eat cold liquids (which, granted, means lots of pudding cups and ice cream, but also means I can't eat any hot and yummy comfort foods) and I'm a bit loopy on Vicodin.

When I went in this morning, I was pretty nervous. Not about the actual surgery, because I knew that they were going to put me under - I was really anxious for them to just put me out, actually, so that I wouldn't have to think about it anymore and it could just be done. But, for whatever reason, I was kind of afraid of how I would react to the laughing gas.
Like, would I start chatting to the nurse about my (nonexistent) personal life, or showing off my (nonexistent) dance skills? I wasn't sure, and I was kind of doing that panicked-smiling thing...I don't know if you've ever been so nervous that you just started grinning like an idiot or giggling, and you know that it's NOT a time to be smiling but you can't help it? I get that way, mostly when I talk about the time I passed out. It's something unknown, which I don't particularly like, and so it makes me nervous.

Anyway, I was doing my little giggly freak out session, and then, sitting in the dentist chair and staring out the window at the waxy leaves of a magnolia tree, I decided to think about Thistleswitch. I told myself to make myself useful and brainstorm while I was sitting there waiting to get the drug-induced chuckles. And so, once again, Merry and Niko and Aries saved the day. know, I'm kind of wondering if writing Thistleswitch right now, when I'm a bit hazy with a dizzying mixture of pain and painkillers, would make for a perfectly odd chapter. Heck, maybe all of this writers' block will be magically fixed by dentistry and drugs.

I can always hope.

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