Monday, December 27, 2010

the editing saga continues

I'm in the midst of editing, and the strange thing is that scenes that I hated when I wrote them are now not-so-bad-after-all. I just finished going through The Chapter in Which We Encounter the Dragon and The Chapter in Which Pretty Much Everyone is Defeated, and if you recall, I hated writing these chapters. They didn't seem to flow, parts of the dialogue were totally wrong, and I ended up totally rewriting the battle scene, and still wasn't totally happy with it.

Of course, this means that these chapters are the two that have bothered me the least over the course of editing this bdfhwkluawedljasdn manuscript.

Granted, I revamped the conversation between Niko and Merry about whether or not she would tag along. I changed the fact that Niko knew she was climbing onto the dragon's head, because that didn't really make sense. And I switched up the wording here and there. But over all, when I read these chapters I actually feel good about them; as opposed to, say, when I read the first few chapters and want to tear them up into confetti and scatter them in a godforsaken desert. Or something.

...also, Ferdinand K. Jowlfner is driving me nuts. He's got foreshadowing pouring our of his pores, but there's no logical place for him to show up again. Phooey.

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